아이패드 vscode 설치 - aipaedeu vscode seolchi

VSCode running on my iPad mini

A quick walkthrough of how to add VSCode to your iPad home screen.

I’ve been looking forward to the day I can work from my iPad in a beach chair at the beach. Pull down code, run tests, look at local builds. Well, we’re still a long way from that. But we are finally able to open up a repo while in the pickup line for your kid and make a change using a lightweight…

얼마전에 iPad를 구입했는데, 이걸로 맥북과 연결없이 코딩을 어떻게 할 수 있을까 찾아보던 중 많은 방법을 접했습니다.

그래서 그 방법들을 공유해보고자 합니다.

code-server를 리눅스 서버에 설치하여 사용하기

code-server는 vscode를 이용하여 브라우저에서 사용할 수 있게 만들어진 프로그램입니다.

docker를 통해 설치하거나 git repo를 clone하여 직접 설치할 수 있습니다.

설치를하게 되면 비밀번호를 설정하여, 서버 내부의 디렉토리에 접근하여 코딩을 할 수 있습니다.

vscode와 같이 extension들이 존재하고 ( 조금 부족합니다.. ) vscode의 기능을 거의 똑같이 쓸 수 있다는게 장점입니다.

설치를 하고 싶으신분은 //badayak.com/4636 여기를 참고하여 설치를 하면 됩니다.

하지만, 제가 사용하는 리눅스 서버는 AWS 프리티어라서 code-server가 돌다가 죽기때문에 포기했습니다.

CodeApp 사용하기

그렇게 code-server를 포기하고.. 여러 방도를 찾던 중 앱스토어에서 5900원짜리 CodeApp을 발견했습니다.

어..? 이거 대박인데?!

검색해보니 생긴대로 이 친구도 vscode 기반으로 만들어져있고, 여러 언어를 사용할 수 있게 되어있어 정말 좋아보였습니다.

그래서 설치하려고 보던 중 github가 있길래 살펴보았더니 전체 소스코드가 공개 된 오픈소스 프로그램이였습니다. ( 행복.. )

그래서 저는 어차피 맥이 있으니 직접 빌드해서 쓰려고 했는데, TestFlight(테스트용 앱 배포를 위한 앱)까지 지원해서 빌드 없이 무료로 설치할 수 있게 되었습니다.

사용해본 결과

꽤나 괜찮습니다.

아직 Node.js밖에 안써봤지만, 다른 여러 언어들을 제공해주고 심지어 npm까지 사용할 수 있었습니다.

그래서 npm을 통해 express를 설치하여 웹서버를 띄워봤는데..

Holy.. Shxt... 이게 되네?!

정말 좋은 앱입니다.

바로 스타 눌렀습니다.

여러분도 사용하세요.

아 한글이 안된다는 이슈가 있으니 그것은 감안하셔야 할 것 같습니다. ( 언젠가는 고쳐지겠죠..? )

One of the most popular code editors for web developers today, is Visual Studio Code, or VS Code for short. It’s made by Microsoft and is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official iPad app just yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use VS Code on your iPad. At least not if you use GitHub to manage your codebase.

That’s right, we need a GitHub account, and a repository, for this to work. If you’re unfamiliar with GitHub, it’s a service (also owned by Microsoft these days) for storing code (and other things) using git version control. That means you’ll push and pull code to the repository, sorting it in branches, and releasing versions if you will. You don’t need to go knee-deep in git to use GitHub, though. It’s enough to just start an account and store files there. Git shines when you need to roll back after messing things up, or as part of a larger setup, where you publish your live branch to the live server, and the dev branch to a development server, that sort of thing.

🤨 Switch to iPad #20 has more on iPad web development, including git.

Now, assuming you’ve got a GitHub account, and a repository, you’ll also need a keyboard. Any bluetooth keyboard will do, just as the Magic Keyboard if you’re on an iPad Pro.

Navigate to your repository in your web browser (you might want to use Safari to be safe), then press the period (.) key. Yep, that’s it, now VS Code will load up your repository, in your web browser window, just like that.

VS Code running in Safari, via GitHub

Yeah, it’s pretty nuts, isn’t it? But the thing is, VS Code isn’t a native app as such on any of those traditional platforms (i.e., macOS, Windows, Linux), it’s essentially a browser in itself. There’s no reason why this shouldn’t be packaged as an iPad app in the future, although Microsoft might want us all to jump on the upcoming (currently in closed beta) GitHub Codespaces service, or something similar.

Anyway, if you’re familiar with VS Code, you can now do most of the things you’d do on your computer. That includes enabling Settings Sync through the menu cog in the bottom-left corner, which will sync at least some, if not all, of your settings. Extensions are there too, but themes isn’t syncing for me as of now.

Make your changes, then go to the git tab on the left-hand side, and just push them using VS Code’s built-in git client. Then check your repository in a different browser window, and you’ll see your commit. It works, albeit perhaps as snappy as a native code editor like Textastic, nor do you get the full git experience as you do in Working Copy. All that said, this is pretty cool, and I can see it be useful for some people, maybe even enough, depending on your setup. I’m really curious to see where this’ll take us in the future, and if GitHub Codespaces — and similar services — will even catch up to the native apps.


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