계속적용법 선행사 - gyesogjeog-yongbeob seonhaengsa

관계대명사는 한정적용법계속적용법이 있습니다. 

보통, 일반적으로

관계대명사는 앞에 있는 선행사(명사)를 꾸며주는 역할(형용사) 을 해준다.

 그것을 한정적용법- 선행사의  계를 해주는 것이라 한다.

  = 선행사(명사)를 직접 수식(형용사역할)

행사가 무엇인지 분명하지 않기 때문에 선행사를 설명하기 위해 관계대명사를 사용

You are one that I want.

She has two sons who became teachers.


말을 하다가  앞에 말한 내용에 대해 부언설명 할 때에도 관계대명사를 사용한다.

행사가 무엇인지 분명한 상태 에서 추가적으로, 계속적으로, 부가적으로 선행사에 관한 이야기를 설명 할 때  계속적 용법을 사용한다. " , " (콤마를 넣어서 표시  해준다.)

1. 로 할때는 ..

She bought the bookbut she didn't read it. (부언설명)

I have a sister, and she is a great dancer. (부언설명)

선행사가 분명하다.  그런데 그 선행사는..(부가설명)

She bought the book which she didn't read.(한정적용법인지 계속적 용법인지 구별이 안된다!!!)

계속적용법임을 나타내기 위해 접속사+대명사(but she, and she...)를 사용해서 표현한다.

                                     ( and, or, but, for )

2. 로 쓸 때는...

She bought the book, which she didn't read.(부언설명-계속적용법)

I have a sister,  who is a great dancer. (부언설명-계속적용법)

We have energy, which flows with our highs and lows. = 글로 표현 할 때

We have energy, and it flows with our higs and lows. = 말로 표현 할 때

She has two sons who became doctors. (한정적용법)

She has two sons, who became doctors. (계속적용법=글)

She has two sons, and they became doctors. (계속적용법=말)

I played tennis which is my favorite sport. (한정적용법)

I played tennis, which is my favorite sport. (계속적용법=글)

I played tennis, and it is my favorite sport. (계속적용법=말)

I borrowed Harry Potter which was very interesting. (한정적용법)

I borrowed Harry Potter, which was very interesting. (계속적용법=글)

I borrowed Harry Potter, and it was very interesting. (계속적용법=말)

I watched the French movie which was very fantastic. (한정적용법)

I watched the French movie, which was very fantastic. (계속적용법=글)

I watched the French movie, and itwas very fantastic. (계속적용법=말)

I met Sarah who is my English teacher from the U.S.A.

I met Sarah, who is my English teacher from the U.S.A.

I met Sarah, and she is my English teacher from the U.S.A.

** 선행사고유명사, 특정 인물,사물경우 추가적인 정보를 제공하므로 계속적 용법을 사용한다.

Mozart, who was born in Salzbrug, lived from 7156 to 7191.

This morning I saw Mark, who is from Germany.

I will go shopping with Jina, who is best friend.

The 63building, which is In Yeouido, is the tallest building in Korea.

Michael Jackson, who is one of the greatest singers, died in 2009.

I met Leo, who is my classmate.

** 관계대명사 that은 계속적 용법으로 쓰이지 않는다. **

** 계속적 용법의 관계대명사 which는 절을(앞문장) 선행사로 받기도 한다.

  = She won first prize, which made her parents happy. (선행사: She won first prize)

Jimmy went to the flower shop.  It was closed.

We stayed at the Hilton Hotel. Jane recomended it to us.

Seoul is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is capital of Korea.


최신 우편물
