물질 명사 - muljil myeongsa


집합적 물질명사란 물건의 집합체를 의미하지만 양을 나타내는 물질 명사로 취급하는 명사들을 말합니다.

이런 집합적 물질명사는 셀 수 없는 양으로 취급하기 때문에 a/an을 붙일 수 없으며, 복수형도 가능하지 않고, 수식어구도 many, few등은 사용할 수 없으며 양을 나타내는 수식어구인 much, little이나 a piece(article) of 와 같은 수식어를 사용합니다. 그리고 항상 단수 취급을 하기 때문에 단수동사를 취해야합니다.

시험에 많이 나오는 집합적 물질명사:

information (정보), equipment (장비), baggage (수화물), luggage (수화물), news (소식), clothing (의류), furniture (가구), machinery (기계류), mail (우편물), scenery (풍경), merchandise (상품), produce (농산물), pollution (공해)


1. 명사가 집합적 물질명사인지 확인한다.

2. 집합적 물질명사가 단수로 취급이 되었는지 확인한다.


A) Is this all the baggage you have? - 당신이 가진 짐은 이것이 전부입니까?

=> luggage 는 집합적 물질명사이기 때문에 단수 취급을 하고 있습니다.

B) No news is good news. - 무소식이 희소식이다.

=> news 는 복수형이 아니라 단어에 원래 -s가 붙은 것입니다.


물질명사는 일정한 형태가 없는 물질을 나타내는 명사를 물질명사라고 합니다. 물질명사는 셀 수 없는 명사로서 부정관사(a/an)를 붙이거나 복수형을 쓰지 않는 것이 원칙입니다.

물질명사는 어떤 사물을 형성하는 재료를 뜻하기 때문에 셀 수 없는 것은 당연하겠지요. 물질명사를 비롯한 불가산명사는 가산명사와는 다른 much, little, a little, a bit/piece/slice of 등의 수식엉구를 취합니다.

물질명사로 쓰이는 명사 :

bread, money, gold, paper, beer, soap, air, soil, butter, paper, wine, stock...


1. 명사가 물질명사인지 아닌지 확인한다.

2. 물질명사인데 단/복수의 표시가 되어있다거나 가산명사의 수식어구를 취했는지 확인한다.


A) Milk is good for health. - 우유는 건강에 좋다.

=> milk는 셀 수 없으므로 a나 -s가 붙을 수 없습니다.

B) We can't live without air and water. - 우리는 공기와 물이 없으면 살 수 없다.

=> air와 water는 셀 수 없는 물질명사로 and로 연결이 되어도 복수취급하지 않습니다.

�� �� ���� ����

(1)�� �� ���� ���翡�� �߻����, ��������, �������簡 �ִ�.
(2) �� �� ���� ���翡�� �������� ����.
(3) �� �� ���� ����� �������縦 ������ �ʴ´�.
(4) �� �� ���� ����� ���簡 ���� ������ �� ����.
two sheets of paper
three pieces of chalk
(5) �� �� ���� �����much, little ���� ���� ��Ÿ���� ������ �����Ѵ�.
little juice
much sugar

�� �� ���� ���� 1. ���� ����
���� ��ǥ���� �� �� ���� ����� ���� �����̴�.
������ ���°� ���� ������ ��Ÿ���� ���縦 ��������� �Ѵ�.
���� : ���������� ����
���: wood, glass, silk, paper
��ü: air, gas
��ü: water, oil, milk, wine
��ǰ: sugar, butter, bread, coffee
õ����: rain, snow, stone
��Ÿ: money, chalk, fire

 1 : ���������� ��
��������� �� �� ���� ����μ� �������縦 ���̰ų� �������� ���� �ʴ� ���� ��Ģ�̴�.
We can��t live without air and water. (�츮�� ����� ���� ������ �� �� ����.)
Milk is good for health. (������ �ǰ��� ����.)

 2 : ���������� ���� ǥ��
(1) ��������� �� �� ���� �����̹Ƿ� ��(��)�� ǥ���ϴ� much, little, some, any, no ��� ���� ���� ����縦 �Ἥ ���� ǥ���Ѵ�.
We have much snow in this season of the year. (���� �̸����� ���� ���� �´�.)
He bought some furniture for his new house. (�״� �� ���� �ʿ��� ������ �� ���.)
(2) �������縦 ���� ��Ÿ���� �ϴ� ��쿡�� ������+��������+of+�������硹�� ���·� ǥ���ؾ� �Ѵ�.
Could you bring me a glass of water? (�� �� �� �������ֽðڽ��ϱ�?)
May I have another cup of coffee? (Ŀ�� �� �� �� �� �� �������?)
Mary bought three cakes of soap. (�޸��� �� �� ���� ���.)

  a bottle of wine (�� �� ��)
a loaf of bread (�� �� ����)
a sheet of paper (���� �� ��)
a piece of chalk (���� �� ��)
two spoonfuls of sugar (���� �� ��Ǭ)
three pounds of beef (����� �� �Ŀ��)
a piece of furniture (���� �� ��)
two pieces of equipment (�� ���� ���)
a ear of corn (������ �� ��)

 3 : ���������� ��������� �ǹ�
��������� �� �� ���� �����̹Ƿ� �������縦 �������� �ʰ�, ���������� �������� �ʴ� ���� ��Ģ�̴�. �׷��� �������簡 �� ������ ���� ��ǰ�̳� �� ������ �� ��ü, �Ǵ� �׷� ������ ������ ��Ÿ�� ���� �������� ��޵Ǿ� �������縦 ���̰ų� �������� ���� �� �ִ�.
This is a very good wine. (�̰��� ���� ���� �������̴�.)
I tasted several chocolates. (���� ���� ������ ���ݸ��� �����Ҵ�.)
He picked up a stone. (�״� �����̸� �ϳ� ��������.)
He has a glass in his hand. (�״� �տ� �������� ��� �ִ�.)
My father is the tall man wearing glasses. (�츮 �ƹ����� �Ȱ��� ���� ��� Ű�� ū ���̽ô�.)
There was a big fire in the hotel last night. (���� �� ȣ�ڿ� ū ȭ�簡 �־���.) �� �� ���� ���� 2. �߻����
 ���°� ���� �߻����� ������ ��Ÿ���� ���縦 ���Ѵ�. �߻����� �� �� ���� ����μ� �������縦 ���̰ų� �������� ���� �ʴ� ���� ��Ģ�̴�.  ��: experience(����), success(����), education(����), kindness(ģ��), youth(����), knowledge(����), beauty(��), advice(���), happiness(�ູ), luck(���), etc.
 ����: �߻������ ��������� �ǹ�
�߻���簡 ��ü���� ����, ����, ��ȸ ���� ��Ÿ�� ������ �������ó�� ���� �������縦 ���̰ų� �������� �� �� �ְ� �ȴ�.
He has had many odd experiences. (�״� �̻��� ������� ���� �ߴ�.)
Your play was a great success. (����� ������ �뼺���̾���.)
Scott received a very strict education. (����ı���� �ſ� ���� ������ �޾Ҵ�.)
She has done me many kindnesses. (�׳�� ������� ���� ģ���� ��Ǯ����.)
He was an ambitious youth. (�״� �߽ɿ� �� �����̿���.)
Mrs. Fuller has a deep knowledge of history. (��Ǯ���� ����� ���� ���� ������ ���� �ִ�.)

�� �� ���� ���� 3.  ��������
��������� Mary, John ��� ���� ��� �̸��̳� Seoul, Japan ���� ����, Sunday, May���� ����, ���� �̸��� ���� ����̳� �繰�� ������ �̸��� ��Ÿ���� �����̴�.
 ����: ���������� �������ȭ
�������翡 �������� a/an�̳� ������ the�� �ٰų� ���������� ���̰� �Ǹ� �������簡 �������ȭ �� ������ ������ ���� ���� ���� �ȴ�.

(1) ��~�� ���� �����, ��~�� ���� ���� �̶� ��������� �ǹ̸� ���´�.
A Newton cannot become a Shakespeare at will. (���ϰ� ���� �����ڰ� ������� ���ͽ��Ǿ� ���� ���а��� �� ���� ����.)
I wish to become a Nelson. (���� �ڽ� ���� �ر� ������ �ǰ� �ʹ�.)
He is the Edison of Korea. (�״� �ѱ��� �����̴�.)
Sydney is called the Naples of Australia. (�õ�ϴ� ȣ���� ��������� �Ҹ���.)

(2) ��~��� ����� �̶� ��������� �ǹ̸� ���´�.
A Mr. Miller came to see you yesterday. (���� �з� ����� ���� ����� ���� �Ծ����ϴ�.)
There are three Johns in our class. (�츮 �б޿��� ���̶�� �̸��� ���� ����� �� �� �ִ�.)

(3) ��~ �� �κΡ�, ��~ �� �������̶� ��������� �ǹ̸� ���´�.
I saw the film, ��The war of the Roses�� last month. (���� �����޿� ���ο��� �κ��� �ο��̶�� ��ȭ�� ���Ҵ�.)
The Bakers are kind to others. (����Ŀ �� ������ �ٸ� ����鿡�� ģ���ϴ�.)

(4) ��~�� ����ǰ��, ��~ �� ��ǰ���̶� ��������� �ǹ̸� ���´�.
The gallery has a Millet and several Rodins. (�� ȭ���� �з��� ��ǰ �� ���� ���� ���� �δ� ��ǰ�� �����ϰ� �ִ�.)
There is a Picasso on the wall. (������ ��ī�� �׸��� �� �� �ִ�.)
He bought a Ford right after he arrived here. (�״� �̰��� �������ڸ��� ��ٷ� ���� �� �� �븦 �����ߴ�.)
My father has two Toyotas. (���� �ƹ����� �� ���� ����� �ڵ����� ������ �ִ�

관련 게시물


최신 우편물
