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Speaking firmly, if occasionally stumbling over words, the 88-year-old president accused the United States늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 of "rushing

The Zimbabwean accused the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the 28-member Western security alliance whose air strikes helped Libyan rebels defeat Gaddafi's forces, of acting under false pretenses.

"The mission wa늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 s strictly to protect civilians, but it turned out that there was a hunt, a brutal hunt, of Gaddafi and his family," Mugabe said. "In a very dishonest manner we saw ... Chapter 7 being used now as a weapon to rout a whole family."

Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter allows the U.N. Security Council to authorize actions ranging from diplomatic and economic sanctions to military intervention.

Mugabe, a long-standing critic of the West, is himself widely criticized for turning what was once one of Africa's strongest economies into a basket case and has been accused of hanging on to power through vote-rigging.

Other speakers a늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 t the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday - notably Bolivia's leftist president, Evo Morales, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - also criticized the United States for what they see as economic and political bullying.

A U.S. official had no immediate comment on Mugabe's remarks.

The Zimbabwean leader appeared to be in reasonable health despite questions about his wellbeing sparked by Zimbabwean media reports that he has traveled to Singapore eight times in the past year to seek medical attention.

"Bombs were ... thrown about in a callous manner and quite a good many civilians died. Was that the protection that they had sought under C늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 hapter 7 of the Charter?

"So the death of Gaddafi must be seen in the same tragic manner as the death to suck oil from Iraq" when it invaded the country in 2003 on the erroneous grounds that it possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Speaking with deliberate irony, Mugabe opened an address to the U.N. General Assembly by praising as "most glowing and most moving" a speech by U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday in which he rued Stevens' death.

Stevens and three other Americans were killed during what Washington has called a "terrorist" attack on the U.S. mission in BenghaAs we in spirit join the United States in condemning that death, 늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 shall the United States also join us in condemning that barbaric death of the head of state of Libya - Gaddafi? It was a loss, a great loss, to Africa, a tragic loss to Africa."zi on September 11. The assault forced the evacuation of U.S. personnel from the eastern city that was the hub for the Libyan rebel movement.

"I am sure we were all moved, we all agree, that it was a tragic death indeed and we condemn it," said Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980 and is among Africa's longest-serving leaders.

He said the U.N. Security Council had allowed itself to be "abused" last year by authorizing "all necessary measures" - diplomatic code for militar늑대아이 토렌트 한글자막 다운로드 y intervention - to protect civilians in Libya in a NATO operation that eventually toppled Gaddafi's government and led to his death at the hands of rebels.


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