VR 챗 컴퓨터 - VR chaes keompyuteo


[ VRChat ] VR챗을 시작해보쟈!>ㅇ<


요즘 유튜브를 보다보면

맞춤 컨텐츠에 VRchat 이라는 영상이 막 떠서

그때부터 관심이 생긴 VRChat!

이름부터 VR이 뙇! 써있어서

VR기기 필요한거 아닌가ㅠㅠ

했는데 왠걸 VR이 없어도 그냥 PC로도 가능하데요!

(대신 약간의 제약은 있음..)

게다가 스팀에서 무료 다운 가능★_★

그래도 할까말까 고민하다가..

결국 시작했습니다!>//<

막상 시작하니 너무 재밌고

왜 할까말까 고민하고 이제서야 시작했는지..ㅋㅋ

그 와중에

VRChat이 국내에서 알려진 게임(?)이 아니기 때문에

관련 포스팅도 별로 없고

대부분 플레이포스팅이 대부분..

그래서 VRChat을 시작하려는

다른 초보자분들을 위해

시작한지 3일째(시간으로는 16시간.ㅎㅎ)된

제가 한번 써보려고 합니다:D

★ 가입하기 ★

우선, 크게는 가입을 두번정도 해야합니다.

게임을 하려면 다운을 받아야하니까

젤 중요한 것으로 스팀을 가입하고

검색창에 VRChat을 검색하고

게임을 다운로드합니다!

다들 가입 방법은 아실테니 작성하지 않을게요~^q^


게임을 하려면

딱히 스팀 아이디만 있어도 가능합니다:)

하지만 나중에

또다른 아바타를 하고 싶거나

나만의 커스텀 아바타를 하고 싶다면

VRChat 공식 홈페이지의 아이디가 필요합니다!

여기서 또다른 좋은 점이 있는데,

아무도 알려주지 않더라구요..

게임상의 닉네임에 대해서..


게임의 아이디 = 닉네임

이 되어버립니다.

스팀으로 로그인을 하면

스팀 아이디에 뭔가 다른 단어가 붙는다고 어디선가 봤군요

그래서 좀 나만의 닉네임을 가지고싶다

하시는 분께서는

반드시 VRChat의 공식 홈페이지에서 가입을 해주셔야합니다.

이게 두번째 가입입니다:)


홈페이지로 이동하여

상단의 로그인을 눌러줍니다.

가입 절차가 까다롭지 않아서 가입하는데 크게 어렵지는 않을거에요!

로그인 아이디 겸 닉네임 부분은

굳이 영어를 쓸 필요가 없다는 점입니다:D

한글을 써도 되고

한자를 써도 되고 일본어를 써도 됩니다

첫 로그인할때 조금 번거롭긴하겠지만

한번 로그인하면 자동 로그인이 되니 걱정없어요!

*VRC 로그인 하려는데 영어밖에 안써지는데요! - 메모장같은데 작성해서 복붙하면 써집니다*

가입을 했다면

가입할때 입력한 이메일로 가서

OK 링크를 눌러주시면 됩니다:)


가입을 했다면 로그인을 해봅니다

플레이를 누르면

어떤 종류로 접속을 할지 뜹니다

VR기기가 있다면 첫번째 VR모드로 접속을 하시면 되고

PC로만 플레이 할거다 하면

두번째를 선택하고 접속하시면 됩니다.

Steam으로 로그인!

VRChat으로 로그인하고 싶다면

아래 스샷을 참고해주세요:)

*VRC 로그인 하려는데 영어밖에 안써지는데요! - 메모장같은데 작성해서 복붙하면 써집니다*


가입과 로그인 방법이었습니다:)

포스팅이 너모 길어진 것 같아서

여기서 이만 줄입니다^-^

앞서 해보기 게임

지금 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 게임이 개발되는 과정에 참여하세요.

참고: 앞서 해보기 게임은 완성된 게임이 아니며 개발이 진행됨에 따라 크게 바뀔 수 있습니다. 현재 상태에서 이 게임에 흥미가 생기지 않는다면, 개발이 더 진행될 때까지 기다려보는 것도 좋습니다. 더 알아보기

개발자의 한마디:

왜 앞서 해보기를 하나요?

“Our vision for VRChat is to enable anybody to create and share their own social virtual worlds. We believe that such a platform shouldn’t be built privately, but rather alongside a passionate community who can help shape the future of VRChat. Early access gives us an opportunity to share what we and our community have built so far, as well as invite new members to help grow the VRChat universe.

So far our journey has gone well with fantastic contributions from our community and our dev team. In fact, a lot of our dev team began as social VR fans, and contributing community members. In the last few months VRChat has matured to a point where we feel ready to share it with a larger group. We’d now like your help to shape the next stage of our collective journey. We welcome all your suggestions, help with testing and of course your creations. What will you help us dream up next?”

이 게임의 앞서 해보기 기간은 얼마인가요?

“VRChat is constantly evolving. We’re working tirelessly on the core platform to expand features and tools that allow for deeper creation and enjoyment of VRChat. Our community is building new worlds and avatars every day. We have big dreams for Social VR and we want to be at the right level of completion before leaving Early Access. We’ve not set a time limit on that yet but as we move forward we’ll keep everyone updated with our progress.”

정식 버전은 앞서 해보기 버전과 어떻게 달라지나요?

“VRChat will be a complete Social VR creation experience on all platforms. We plan on making sharing, content creation and streaming easy to do together from within VR. We are constantly adding more building blocks and features to our app and SDK. Every day we wake up excited to keep improving VRChat. Stay tuned!”

지금 앞서 해보기 버전은 어떤 상태인가요?

“Even now VRChat is a highly enjoyable experience so we encourage you to take a look even in at this early stage. Come hang out, play games, and meet people! Many of our core systems are in place, including social tools, full body avatars, interactive virtual worlds and content creation tools. There are already hundreds of worlds to explore and more are added every day using our Unity SDK.”

앞서 해보기 동안과 앞서 해보기 이후의 게임 가격이 다르게 매겨지나요?

“VRChat is currently free and plans to remain so for the foreseeable future.”

개발 과정에 어떻게 커뮤니티를 참여시킬 계획이신가요?

“We are formed in large part by our community. We are creating the platform but it is our users that bring it to life. We want to provide everyone with the best tools for sharing, streaming, holding events, making games or whatever activities they can dream up! We want our creators to feel empowered to make the most engaging content they can. By opening up our development to you, we can make VRChat the best experience for our users. We will be reading all feedback and suggestions with great interest! Come join us and help out!”

더 읽어보기

게임에 대해

Imagine a world where anything is possible. Join a game of capture the flag in outer space. Share stories around a campfire while roasting marshmallows, then moments later experience a retro game of bowling with an alien and robot. In VRChat there is something around every corner that will delight, thanks to the power of true user generated content. Jump into hundreds of awe inspiring environments and meet unique avatars every day. Watch a movie on the moon. Ride the Titanic. Step into a new world every time you come online. In VRChat, you are one of us. Enjoy your stay.

Chat using full spatialized 3-d audio in a wide variety of environments.

Use emotes, emoji, and hand gestures to communicate fully with your entire body. We have avatars with incredible technology, including mouths that realistically match your speech and eyes that actually look at you. Our full IK system tracks when you lean or crouch.

All in all, VRChat has the most expressive avatars around!

Feeling active? Jump into a match of Capture the Flag or enter the old west and rob a bank in Steel n’ Gold. Go head-to-head in Battle Discs or bowl out a few frames with friends. Feeling more creative? Put on some Bob Ross and bring out your inner artist in Sculpt Studio or enjoy a night of VR Karaoke. Whatever your mood, we’ve got something for you.

Want to watch YouTube videos in a space station with friends? Check. How about catching a show in a jazz bar? Check. Feel like brainstorming your next million-dollar concept in our presentation room? Double check.

With hundreds of unique worlds and more opening up weekly, there is always a different place to chill and socialize with others.

Join our community of builders using Unity and our SDK to create worlds and avatars in VRChat! Our Unity SDK lets you create a wide variety of VR experiences. Build a new world from your own imagination. Create an avatar that expresses your unique personality.

Don’t want to stop with avatars and worlds? Start your own event! VRChat is home to Gunter's Universe, the first ever talk show in VR. Host your own show, teach a class on how to build in VRChat, create a musical performance, or start your own VR acting studio! The possibilities are endless!

Show off your latest creations to your friends, our entire community and the whole world!

Snap a Polaroid with our in-game cameras. Pass the photo around in VR or share your desktop version anywhere.

You can even snap and share a 3-D 360° panorama anytime in VRChat. Thanks to our integration with VRChive, no matter where you are in VRChat, you can easily take 360° panos. Snap away!


Let’s keep it loose and friendly. No hateful speech, excessive profanity, explicit sexual behavior, self-promotion or solicitation.

By entering VRChat, you are agreeing to our Code of Conduct, complete version found on our website.

We wish you a pleasant journey on your trip down the rabbit hole.


Join our Discord community chat at //discord.gg/vrchat to get involved sharing ideas, get or offer help, join our beta tests and more.

Contact us at .


최신 우편물
