기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

��ī�� ����ũ, ī����ũ �迭 ������ 7 ��ġ�� ���� ���

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(�� : ������ 7 ��ġ�� USB Ÿ�� Ű����, ���콺 �νĺҰ� ����)

��ī�� ��ǰ�� ������ 7 ��ġ�� XCHI ����̹��� �����Ͽ� ������ ��ġ�� USB ���� CD�� �ٽ� �����Ͽ� ��ġ�ϼž� �ϸ� �� ���κ��� ������ ���� ������ 7�� ��ī�̷���ũ ������ �ٽ� �����Ͽ� ��ġ�ϴ� ����� �����ص帮�� �Ʒ��� ���κ��� �����翡 ���� ������ 7�� �ٽ� �����Ͽ� ��ġ ��Ź�帳�ϴ�.

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http://www.assacom.com/shop/mypage/faq_list.htm ���� ��ũ �̵� �� ���� ���� ������ �亯�� �ִ� "��ī�� ����ũ ������ 7 ��ġ�� ������" �� ���� ���ּ���.

* �ñ��Ͻ� �����縦 Ŭ�����ּ���.

���ڿ��� �����ϴ� ���� ������ 7 USB ��ġ ����� �Դϴ�.

�Ʒ��� ���� ������ ���� ���� �Ͻø� �ǿ��� �� ����� ���� ������ ��� USB�� ��ġ�� �Ͽ� USB 3.0 ����̹��� ���ԵǾ������� ��������� �������Դϴ�.

1. Win7-USB3.0-Creator-V3-Win7Admin.zip

�ش� ��ũ �ּҷ� ���α׷��� �ٿ�ε� �Ͻø� �Ʒ��� ���� ������ ���ɴϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

2. �� ������ �ٿ�ε� �� ������ Ǯ�� Installer_Creator�� �����մϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

3. USB Drive Path ���� ... �� Ŭ���ؼ� USB ����̺��� ��θ� �����մϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

4. USB ��δ� USB�� �ν��ϰ� ����̹� ���� �Ǵ°Ϳ� ���� �޶����ϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

5. ���� ȭ��

�����Ǵ� ������ \sources ������ install.wim ���ϰ� boot.wim ���� 2���� �Դϴ�. ������ ������ ������ ���� �ʽ��ϴ�. �� ������ �����ϴ� ������ ��ġ ������ ��ġ�Ǵ� ���빰 ��ο� ����̹��� �߰��ϱ� �����Դϴ�. ��Ȥ ������ ���� ��쿡�� ������ ����̺�:\sources �� �� 2�� ������ �ִ��� Ȯ���� �غ��� �մϴ�. ������ ��Ʈ ����̹��� �����ϱ� ������ �ٸ� ��ο� ���� ��� ������ ���ϴ�. �����̹����� �ƴ� Ʃ�׵� �̹����� ��쵵 ������ �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�. �����̹����� ����ؼ� �ٽ� USB�� �����ϰų� �ٸ� ������ ��׵� �̹����� ���ؼ� �۾��� �ؾ��մϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

6. �Ϸ� ȭ��

��ġ�� ���������� �Ϸ�� ȭ���Դϴ�.

������ ���۵� USB�� ������ �ϸ� ��ī�̷���ũ ���κ��忡�� ���������� ������7�� ��ġ�� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

���� �ð��� USB���³� ���� ��ǻ���� ���¿� ���� �뷫 40�� ~ 1�ð����� �ҿ� �Ǿ����ϴ�.

http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1151/Z170-K/V1_00_08.zip �� ���α׷��� ���� �ٿ�ε� �� �Ʒ��� �׸� ������� ��ġ

��ġ�Ͽ��µ��� USB �ν��� �ȵǴ� ��� ������ BIOS ������ ����

(�� ���帶�� bios������ �ٸ� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.)

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

1. BIOS ���� "XHCI hand-off" (eXtensible Host Controller Interface)�� "��Ȱ��ȭ"���� "Ȱ��ȭ(Enable)"�� �ٲټ���. (Exit/Advanced Mode->Advance Mode->Advanced->XHCI hand-off�� �����ϼ���.)

2. �ý����� �ٽ� �����ϼ���.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

���� ĭ�� iso���� ��ġ�� ���ؼ� �������ݴϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

�Ʒ��� USB�޸𸮸� �������ݴϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

http://www.asrock.com/microsite/Win7Install/dl.asp �� ���α׷��� ���� �ٿ�ε� �� �Ʒ��� �׸� ������� ��ġ

1. �ý��ۿ� Windows 7 ��ġ ��ũ �� USB ����̺긦 �����մϴ�.

2. Win 7 USB Patcher ���α׷��� ������ Ǯ��, �����մϴ�.

You can also download "Intel Windows 7 USB 3.0 Creator Utility" and follow the instructions on Intel's official website

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

3. ���߿� ������7�� ��ġ�� ����

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

4. "������7 �ҽ� ����"�� ã���ϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

5. ���ο� ������7 ��ġ ������ ���� USB �����, ����Ʈ ��ũ �Ǵ� ��� ������ �����մϴ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

6. �����Ϸ��� "����"�� Ŭ���Ͻʽÿ�.

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

1. Run eSW7.exe

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

2. Choose Windows 7 source directory

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

3. Choose USB drive which has more than 4G space for output files can install Windows 7

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

4. Click "Get index" and start preparing needed files

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

(Waiting time depends on the efficiency of hardware and the files on Windows7 disc will be copied into C:\)

Do not shut down system during copying

5. Choose the related image index according to the version of installing windows

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

6. Click "Build" and start integrating USB driver

기가바이트 윈도우7 설치 - gigabaiteu windou7 seolchi

( This example chose Ultimate )