크롬 html 뷰어 - keulom html byueo

Ok, first of all I DON'T WANT suggestions on how to change my default applications, I'm a very seasoned system administrator and I'm well aware of how to do it.

Since Windows 10 ONLY allows me as a sys admin to set a list of default application associations via an .xml file ONE TIME at a computer login or a user login via GPO, HOW IN THE WORLD DOES GOOGLE CHROME REPEATEDLY KEEP CHANGING THE DEFAULT PDF VIEWER TO ITSELF FOR MY USERS????

I've been working on this for months now and it is really piss poor that Microsoft does not let sys admins control the default file associations to the degree they are doing it now. That would be FAR MORE SECURE than MS deciding that their stupid piss poor browser is the best options if a registry key that controls it is changed. These types of controls might be fine for stupid home users, but not for business. If MS can't successfully allow for optimal functionality between both then perhaps they need to have two lines of products one for business where sys admins are allowed to do their jobs and one for stupid home users.

I just had another user with this issue today. They logged on to their computer, my GPO did its job set the default pdf viewer to Adobe Reader, the user opened/closed several pdf files no problem. A short time later goes to open a pdf file and it opens in CHROME!!!

I scrubbed through the registry on the computer and NOWHERE was there an association between chrome and pdf files, in fact it was quite the opposite every pdf file association and userchoice key was set to Adobe as it should be. However in settings, apps, default apps, view apps by file types it listed chrome and all shortcuts to pdfs had a chrome icon and opened in chrome.

So obviously there is a serious FLAW in Microcraps plan to protect and keep a users default application file associations. So if anyone out there knows how chrome is doing this, when I can't even get around it as a sys admin, or can help fix the root cause of this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

아이폰 html 파일 열기 방법에 대해서 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 아이폰이나 아이패드를 이용하시는 분들이라면 아시겠지만 신용카드 명세서나 스마트폰 요금 명세서 등과 같이 보안메일은 사파리에서 바로바로 열리지가 않습니다. 안드로이드과 달리 보안 메일을 열려면 특별한 앱을 설치를 해야 하는데 누구나 쉽고 간단하게 열수 있도록 진행을 해보겠습니다.


  • 아이폰 html 파일 열기 앱 설치 및 다운로드
    • 보안메일뷰어
    • HTMl Viewer Q
  • 아이폰 html 파일 열기 해보기
    • 보안메일뷰어
    • HTML Viewer Q로 파일 열기
  • 참고

아이폰 html 파일을 열려면 html 뷰어가 필요하며 뷰어 설치가 어렵다면 카카오톡이나 메일을 이용해서 PC로 전송해서 확인하는 방법이 있습니다. 하지만 html 뷰어 하나만 설치하면 쉽게 열수가 있기 때문에 한번 이용을 해보시기 바랍니다.

This article explains how to access a website's HTML source code in the Google Chrome web browser, as well as access and use Chrome's developer tools. Viewing a site's source code is an excellent way for beginners to learn HTML.

View Source Code in Chrome

So how do you view the source code of a website? Here are the step-by-step instructions to do so using the Google Chrome browser.

  1. Open the Google Chrome web browser (if you do not have Google Chrome installed, this is a free download).

  2. Navigate to the web page you would like to examine.

  3. Right-click the page and look at the menu that appears. From that menu, click View page source.

    크롬 html 뷰어 - keulom html byueo
    크롬 html 뷰어 - keulom html byueo

  4. The source code for that page will now appear as a new tab in the browser.

  5. Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts of Ctrl+U on a PC to open a window with a site's source code displayed. On a Mac, this shortcut is Command+Option+U.

Hilary Allison / Lifewire 

Use Chrome's Developer Tools

In addition to the simple View page source ability that Google Chrome offers, you can also take advantage of their excellent Developer Tools to dig even deeper into a site. These tools will allow you not only to see the HTML, but also the CSS that applies to view elements in that HTML document.

To use Chrome's developer tools:

  1. Open Google Chrome.

  2. Navigate to the web page you would like to examine.

  3. Select the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the browser window.

  4. From the menu, hover over More tools and then choose Developer tools in the menu that appears.

    크롬 html 뷰어 - keulom html byueo
    크롬 html 뷰어 - keulom html byueo

  5. A window will open that shows the HTML source code on the left of the pane and the related CSS on the right.

  6. Alternatively, if you right-click an element in a web page and select Inspect from the menu that appears, Chrome's developer tools will pop up and highlight the specific part you chose in the HTML with the corresponding CSS shown to the right. It is super helpful if you want to learn more about a particular piece of a site.

How to Inspect an Element on a Mac

Over the years, we have had many new web designers question whether it is acceptable to view a site's source code and use it for their education and ultimately for the work that they do. While copying a site's code wholesale and passing it off as your own on a website is certainly not acceptable, using that code as a springboard to learn from is actually how many advancements are made in this industry.

As we mentioned at the start of this article, you would be hard-pressed to find a working web professional today who has not learned something by viewing a site's source! Yes, seeing a site's source code is legal. Using that code as a resource to build something similar is also safe. Taking code as-is and passing it off as your work is where you start to encounter problems.  

In the end, web professionals learn from each other and often improve upon the work that they see and are inspired by, so do not hesitate to view a site's source code and use it as a learning tool.

More Than Just HTML

One thing to remember is that source files can be very complicated (and the more complex the website you are viewing is, the more complex that site's code is likely to be). In addition to the HTML structure that makes up the page, there will also be CSS (cascading style sheets) that dictate the visual appearance of that site. Additionally, many websites today will include script files included along with the HTML.

There are likely to be multiple script files included; in fact, each one powering different aspects of the site. Frankly, a site's source code can seem overwhelming, especially if you are new to doing this. Don't get frustrated if you can't figure out what's going on with that site immediately. Viewing the HTML source is just the first step in this process. With a little experience, you will begin to understand better how all these pieces fit together to create the website that you see in your browser. As you get more familiar with the code, you will be able to learn more from it, and it will not seem so daunting to you.


  • How do I edit HTML code in Chrome?

    Open Developer Tools in Chrome by pressing Ctrl (or Command on a Mac) + Shift + I. From there, press Ctrl (Command on Mac) + O and select the saved source file you want to edit to open it.

  • How do I view page source code in Chrome if View Source is disabled?

    If a website has disabled the View Source option, you might still be able to take a look under the hood. From the top of the browser window select View > Developer > View Source, which should pull up the webpage's source code.

  • How do I view a site's source code in Chrome using my Android device?

    Navigate to the website you want to view using your device's Chrome app, then select the browser's address bar. Move the text cursor to the far left—in front of the URL—and type view-source, then press Enter or select Go.