신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban

Who is Better, 신 짜오 or 자르반 4세?

Both LoL champions are great champions. Both have their pros and cons. In League's current meta, 신 짜오 usually wins when facing off against 자르반 4세, with a 52.5% win rate. Thus, 신 짜오 makes a good counter to 자르반 4세.

While 신 짜오 does have a higher winrate compared to 자르반 4세, when facing one another, 신 짜오 also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less complex character to pick up and master. You don't need to be too worried when picking 신 짜오 into 자르반 4세.

Moreover, 신 짜오 has only a small amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to 자르반 4세. This often makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when trying to counter champions with a lot of burst damage.

While there is not a single best champion overall in League of Legends, in 신 짜오 vs 자르반 4세 matchups, 신 짜오 is the better champion with a noticably higher win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allied champions during teamfights.

신 짜오 is an above average counter for 자르반 4세. Make sure you focus your strategy on increasing your gold income and destroying objectives. If you do that, you should do very well as 신 짜오 against 자르반 4세.

Who is Better, 자르반 4세 or 신 짜오?

Both LoL champions are great. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In League's current meta, 자르반 4세 usually loses when trying to fight 신 짜오, with a 47.5% win rate. Thus, 자르반 4세 makes a poor counter to 신 짜오.

While 자르반 4세 does have a lower winrate than 신 짜오, when they face off with one another, 자르반 4세 also has a much greater difficulty level that makes him a more challenging champ to learn. You should be very concerned when picking 자르반 4세 into 신 짜오.

Furthermore, 자르반 4세 has some amount of CC and other utility, a similar amount to 신 짜오. This makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when fighting champions with a lot of burst damage.

While there isn't a single best champion in League of Legends, in 자르반 4세 vs 신 짜오 matchups, 신 짜오 is the better champion with a lower win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during teamfights.

자르반 4세 is a terribly counter to 신 짜오. You will do well by focussing your play on keeping up your gold income and taking out objectives. If you do that, you should do very well as 자르반 4세 against 신 짜오.

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신짜오 vs 자르반

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신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


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신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


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신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban


신 짜오 자르 반 - sin jjao jaleu ban